We set the trends of modern living.

Established since 2019, DeArch 21 Architecture + Design comes to provide healthy living space, uplifting essence of a building and added remarkable value for homeowner, business and environment.

We believe that architectural intervention not rely only on artistic and aesthetic but solutions for every people living and working under it.
Imagine that architecture can make house warmer because there is communication between house member. Imagine that a business can increase working and customer experience.

Our Clients

Established since 2019, DeArch 21 Architecture + Design comes to provide healthy living space, uplifting essence of a building and added remarkable value for homeowner, business and environment.


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Our Services

Established since 2019, DeArch 21 Architecture + Design comes to provide healthy living space, uplifting essence of a building and added remarkable value for homeowner, business and environment.

Architectural Design


Interior Design


Urban Design


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